Monday, May 16, 2011


Hello! Welcome to my life! I am going to give this blogging deal a try while my husband (Alex) is deployed to Iraq for the next 7 months. He hasn't left yet, but will be shortly.

This isn't Alex's first deployment, however; I was with him on his first. I feel really bad because I'm not so scared about him leaving, I am more scared of me being stuck in Maryland for 7 months by myself. You see, I am not from Maryland, nor do I feel like I have any TRUE friends here either. I do have friends, just not the type that I can run and call any moment of the day if I need them. So I feel with him leaving, I am going to be in this big 'ole world all by myself.

I keep thinking of all the things we aren't going to share because he'll be gone and it makes me so sad. Some of the things he'll miss, there will always be next year for, but some of the things we will never have again. Things he'll miss: 4th of July, Ocean City, my 10 year reunion, my 3rd half marathon, my 28th birthday, his 25th brithday, our 5th anniversary, h20, Thanksgiving, among many other things I am sure. All I have to hold on to are the things we will be able to share once he gets back; Christmas, New Years, another amazing week long cruise, starting our family, etc.

It's going to be a long, hard 7 months... Please stick around and help me through....

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